What's the greatest bargain in audio racks these days?


I'm thinking of replacing my Crate & Barrel stereo cabinet with a proper audio rack that'll take up less space, produce fewer deleterious reflections and make cable management easier. Some of the prices asked for high end audio furniture have made my head spin. 

Any suggestions for good stuff at more down to earth prices?

I should add that it needs to be sturdy enough to accommodate my SOTA Sapphire turntable (which is a heavy beast) and my Audio Note Kits "Kit 1" amp (which weighs in at around 55 pounds).

Thanks in advance!!!
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The best audio rack I ever owned was the the long defunct Zoethecus rack.  I don't know why someone hasn't pirated the design.  It was brilliant, effective and attractive.

Those Symposium ISIS racks might work well but to me they look like a shelf out of a medical clinic or a commercial kitchen.  Very low WAF

Symposium new rack is the Foundation rack it looks nothing like the Isis and costs much less.He is selling a lot of these racks because of the price and performance.
My house has a crawl space, so I got under, dug and filled four holes with concrete, and placed 4 vertical steel rods in to set, after drilling four holes through the floor. Holes are larger than the rods so I could wrap Sorbothane around the rods where they go through the floor. Then used expanding foam to seal the holes. I placed my rack on the rods. So I am firmly attached to the ground, with no contact to the house. All vibes gone except those subsonic earth vibes. Inexpensive and ultimate.