Jeff Rowland to what?

I currently own a Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amplifier. I'm curious as to what amplifiers I should listen to below 20K, new or used. I'm not unhappy, but I'm curious. The amp will be driving Monitor Audio PL500 II's. The preamp is a Jeff Rowland Corus.

Ricred1 - curious to know if you held on to your 625. I am also in San Antonio and am looking for a replacement for some ancient jrdg moons and the 625s2 was reccomended highly. Would love to connect one day and talk it over.

Hello Jimmy!

Your golden beauties are not Rowland Moons.... They are Rowland Model 7 monoblocks *Grins!*

A JRDG M625 S2 stereo like Richard's, or a pair of the brand new M535 bridged amps would be more than worthy successors to your classic Rowland monos.

Saluti, Guido

Hey Guido. Yes my iPad spellcheck wants them to be moons it seems. I’ll keep my eyes open for a preowned replacement. Buying retail on something like this is difficult for me.