Those of you reading this pay attention to what Michael says and what the internet trolls are saying.
As one of many examples. If you read back through this thread you will not see anywhere where Michael calls tuning his method nor will Michael say listen his way. Go look for yourselves. You'll read people saying Michael said this and other things to paint a picture but you won't see MG saying this himself or inferring it. He's not inferring it because he doesn't practice it.
Michael Green Audio has always been about the listener being able to listen to their music their way. Michael for 30 years has been designing "Tunable" products. He makes these products so you as an unique listener have some tools if you decide to use them to help you. Michael doesn't care if you use other tools or follow any method of listening you want including doing nothing but plug it in. Michael's whole concept of listening is about being able to play any recording you have and showing you how variable an audio system is.
Tuning is the oldest and most established music technology. Tuning is simply a method of adjusting the variables. Nothing to get mad over. If you buy a guitar your probably going to want to tune it, or not, your choice. Same with a stereo, your choice, or not. Michael has no intention on telling you what to tune something to, that's meant for your ears only. If you read on this thread the Tunees comments you will find that they have found a way to get closer to their music collection.
Prof amg or whoever your getting angry at a guy who is doing nothing more than tuning a guitar. Michael might as well be tuning a piano, guitar or any other instrument or a stereo. He's not asking how good your hearing is or if you are ever going to tune. He's simply saying if you do this it will mean more than talking about the possibility, you'll actually be "tuning". No hidden message just something if you never do you will only be talking and not trying. Like right now I am talking to you based on what I have being doing this week, nothing more and nothing negative. I tuned I heard, I walked and I talked about the walk. There's nothing more. It's simple I don't have to fake what I am saying cause I did it. Anything more is making something out of nothing.
Michael doesn't care if the subject is tuning or any other subject. What he is saying is there's a difference between reading and talking about something vs actually doing it yourself. He encourages people to do more than the talking, go ahead and give something a try if your so incline. There's nothing more to the message than that. Your not a bad person if you don't do but I bet if you try something it will give you more experience and knowledge. And more to talk about.