Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day a song by Mark Knopfler from his Get Lucky album seems appropriate; "Remembrance Day". Although written from a British perspective for a day in November to remember the fallen in battle, the lyrics seem fitting for today. The last track, "Piper To The End", is similar in poetic tone.God bless our departed loved ones.
The USA is a war mongering nation spending more than $600 billion a year on war which is more than the next 8 countries' spending combined yet returning veterans can't get proper medical care even as you praise those who died fighting for the "American way of life" you could not pay me to live in your sad country probably this message will be deleted because it is an American site and Americans usually don't like it to be criticized you are convinced you are the biggest and best and the truth is you are not as free as you think it is a lot of illusion.
Post removed 
If you think clearly as you read my post you would note that I have absolutely no intention to incite or enter into any debate to promote the “American way of life.” My post isn’t about nationalism or any other ism. It’s about remembering men and women whom we love that are no longer with us.
I will have no other responses to this. I genuinely wish you the best as my fellow human being no matter what views you hold.