Replacing my Krell FPB 600 amp with a tube amp

Im thinking of replacing my Krell FPB 600 amp with  tube amp . I really love the power and bass slam of the Krell FPB 600.Could i possibly find that with a tube amp? I was thinking of the ARC Ref 250 mono blocks. I am also using an ARC Ref 6 preamp. The only thing i can think of with this much power and bass slam would be the ARC Ref 750se. Any other suggestions and how would the ARC Ref 250s as compared to the Krell FPB 600. 
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tattooedtrackman OP
But i was just thinking how a tube amp would sound and be with these speakers. And i never thought of it sounding disjointed bi amping until you and Almarg briefly pointed out.

That’s my take on it, and as I said before " The better I made all my tube amps sound with mods/circuit changes, the closer they got to the best solid state."

Being all that said maybe id be better off keeping my Krell matched to my 800s.

That’s the way I would go, and for the itchy upgrade feet, I would look at updating the Rega Isis cd player to something really good with volume control that drives the Krell direct,and pocket money selling the preamp.

Cheers George
George ......I cant see selling my ARC Ref 6 preamp and Rega Isis cdp to even something really good with a volume control that drives the Krell direct and have it sound half as good as with the ARC Ref 6 pramp. I even upped from the ARC Ref 5se to the 6 just because it was that much of a HUGE improvement over the 5se. The sound that i have acquired with my new ARC Ref sounds phenomena to ME. "I should not mess with a good thing". IMO now. 
That’s fine, to me the stars of your show are the amp and speakers, you’ve, got the megabuck cables, all that left for me with questions is the rest to change/re-configure, can you get more spread between the speakers, they are very close, or have you bought the right one in a couple of feet just for the photo?

Cheers George
can you get more spread between the speakers, they are very close,

George - the Matrix 800 are a very unique design. They can be set up widely spaced apart and angled in, or close together and shooting straight down the room. Good results are achieved either way.
From the owners manual. (1.5 m or 60 inches) apart will work well.

Abbey Road’s placement of the Matrix 800.

There was mention of adding subs on this thread.

The Matrix 800 are a full range - All Out Assault design. A one time effort. They are like having 4 subs in the room - two high - two low. Each cancelling out the others waves; no standing waves. This was evidenced/shown through the Stereophile review (reviewers room) that was linked here. His room was small and the speakers disappeared. The woofer effect is easily tested by disconnecting one set of woofers.

Re: Krell Amp (this thread)

Dan designed his Krell amps around this speaker - I talked with him years ago. He had Matrix 800 in his personal space. B&W and Krell were in partnership - until Dan/Krell came out with their own speaker. This relationship is a big reason behind why Krell is an excellent match with Matrix B&W, and the reason that Dan/Krell came out with their own Krell designed B&W Bass Alignment Filter.

From the Stereophile link that Almarg posted earlier in this thread, there is one Figure 8, that shows the BAF performance with the stock factory BAF. I can tell you the Krell version betters the stock BAF. Would have liked to see those Krell B&W BAF measurements from Stereophile, but the Krell BAF was not available at the time of the review.