Aric Audio Systems Unlimited Preamp

They have a tube model called Unlimited that appears to be a decent value for < $800. It is tube rectified and with pair of tube voltage regulators and 12AX7 driver tubes. It even has a phono stage. Anyone is familiar with this preamp?
Thanks for the heads up kalali. That is funny you mentioned tubes. That is one of the questions I asked him yesterday. He gave me some good recommendations. I have some 12ax7,and some t7's I'll try. I hope to have the pre at the beginning of next week. I'm out of work for another 2+weeks,so that will give me plenty of time to play!! 
                             As far as internal mods,I will probably wait until upgradus gets the best of me!
Well, I finally have the Unlimited in my possession. Aric shipped it out last Thursday as he said he would,and according to tracking I was to have it on Sat. the 26th. The USPS had different plans. After having taking a tour around the upstate NY area,it's here!
       This will be brief,as I only have about 45 minutes of saddle time with it. After first connecting it in my system,one channel wasn't working. I started to panic a bit. I had just removed my Promitheus Audio TVC passive, and everything had been working. I started to check wiring,and low and behold,an interconnect had gone bad. Unbelievable! I switched the defective cables out and Shazam,two channel music! The first thing that was quite obvious,is it appears my listening room just grew larger. Wider and deeper than I have ever experienced before. So far,I'm so excited,I can hardly contain myself. Tomorrow I will have a few hours to really sit and do some listening at a bit more spirited volume. With that being said,more to follow..........
Congratulations. It should get better as the capacitors (and the tubes) break in. Coincidentally, there is a thread discussing the differences in the sound quality between using a passive (or direct connection) vs. an active preamp and your experience mirrors mine when I put the tube preamp in the audio chain. Keep us posted as you put more audio miles on the unit.
@rocray - That's great news she showed up in good order, and I'm glad you're enjoying what you're hearing thus far! Please do keep us posted on you impressions. Best wishes, Aric
rocray -- As kalali makes note, it will get better as everything settles-in (and I know that's hard to believe! But it's true.) That's an inherent element of this tube world -- and the overall experience changes us. Like everything, it's a good news, bad news ordeal. The good news is: a little over three years in, I still find myself breath-taken; the bad news is: in order to experience any more Aric Audio magic, I'm going to have to buy a bigger house. Congratulations, my friend.