Preamp for a Line Magnetic i518?

I am interested in adding a preamp to my system. Currently using a Line Magnetic 518 integrated 845 SET. I listen mostly to vinyl with a Chinook phono amp and VPI Prime turntable with Lyra Delos. Speakers are PSB Imagine T3. Any thoughts on adding a preamp and suggestions? Partial to tubes but let me know if there is any ss that would possibly be a better match? Budget approx $3500. I appreciate any/all advice....thanks.
I am suprised that the LM518IA will drive the PSB Imagine T3's. I believe it is rated at 22 watts. I am running Shindo Aurieges pre and I tried a Will Vincent Baldwin Amp which I believe is at 25 watts and I felt it was very much underpowered for the PSB's.
I have a 518ia and am considering an external preamp. But if the direct input only bypasses the pot and not the preamp section, would another active preamp only cause harm? Maybe The best scenario is a good passive preamp with a better attenuator?
Wanted to bump this up as I have a Line Magnetic 805ia and am considering adding a separate preamp as well. I have considered a few but based on reading, these are intriguing: 

  • PS Audio BHK Preamp
  • Audio Research LS27 Preamp
  • Don Sachs Model 2 Preamp
  • Melody PB101 Preamp
  • Modwright LS100 Preamp
  • Luxman C700 or C900 Preamp

Does anyone have any experience pairing these preamps up with their tube amps? Would love to hear your thoughts. 
Freesole, I I will let you know about the LM 518 and ps audio bhk combo in a a week or so. I just got the LM and am letting it settle in without adding the pre for a minute