If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
Some 1960s funk bands from the obscure realm:
-->"Cold Blood": well worth a listen. They were occasionally performing, at least as of 4-5 years ago.
-->"Sons of Champlin" also worth your time (Bill C. occasionally played with Tower of Power). Dated lyrics but excellent tripping and funk tunes (some very long tracks, e.g., "You Can Fly" and "Get High")
-->"The Loading Zone" was the funk house band of the Fillmore. Forgotten and underappreciated, especially Linda Tillary, the lead singer. Many cover tracks. "The Bells" is interesting and bizarre. She is now an occasional gospel singer.
I have now listened to Sante Fe and the Fat City Horns' "The Answer"; the band was recommended by both @fmpnd and @chazro 
I like the band overall, although I found this album a bit uneven. It seemed to lose its focus at times. I should note that I'm a big proponent of albums, so that is generally how I listen to artists and bands. Anyway, I like the band enough to give it another go with a different album after I work my way through the other recommended bands above.
@grey9hound BTW I enjoyed the "ranting and raving." Glad you laid out your system for us too.
@fmpnd recommended Five Alarm Funk. I listened to "Anything Is Possible." This is the most eclectic group I have listened to from the "funk" groups listed above. This album is from 2010. Maybe the singer has changed (I hope so), I'm not into the singing numbers--the singer has no range--but there are only a few singing numbers. This group's sound is a mashup of big horns, a lot of guitar with the distortion and gain pushed up and a bass/drum combo that stays in sync pretty effectively. The song "UK 47" has a very cool bass groove and "Face Riot" is infectious. The shout-outs are super cool to close out the album..."ladies and gentlemen remember anything is possible!"...this song (Face Riot) is a winner. Thanks Frank. I can predict that this album is going to be a hit with my boys and their band buddies.