How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?

Hello all.
I'm using an Audible Illusions L1 preamp and I think my system sounds better when I remove it from the signal path. Oppo BD105 directly to SMC Audio DNA1 Gold power amp. I have read that there is level of quality you need to hit before there will be an improvement in sound. I can't seem to find what that level is. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
I've tried it at length. Most notably with a TEO passive preamp. It still misses out on that jump factor, that aliveness that a good active brings to the table. I only really use analog signal though, maybe one might have more luck with digital. 
Wow I just read the meat of this thread and  I can't believe the people dishing out the crap to kosst!!   He's right and the rest of you are wrong. He built and owns one of Nelson's products and loves it so  I think we can rest assured he does not hate the man and is not slandering him. 
And I 100% agree I would much rather have an amplifier with 15 DB of gain then with 30.   
Oppo Tech, et al

when I come off full volume on tmy 105 either the bits are dropping, or the VC is too sensitive as the result is loss of damn near everything. I am hoping that the Hattor will solve that problem, and it is a problem

As to the extra I/Os with the Hattor, I think any that not being used are out of the signal path, but I will only be using 2 outs at the most. Still working on solving the opposite problem with my SVS servo subs (volume comes on too quickly) . Maybe a buffer is needed, or maybe SVS servo sub tech sucks. Thinking I might need to get passive subs and use an outboard amp/s  

Nord makes an interesting integrated (I am now jonesing for their amp),. Imagine that with LDRs

Imagine that with LDRs
You can get more linear response with a Baxandall control FWIW.
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