Gemme Audio Tanto Owners - User Manual?

I was lucky enough to find and buy a used pair of Gemme Audio Tanto v1s but unfortunately they did not come with a manual.  The company is no longer in business and the designer (Robert Gaboury), who was incredibly kind and supportive, told me that he no longer has any manuals.

So I am writing to see if anyone in the Audiogon community may have a Tanto user manual and would be willing to provide a copy.  I would be glad to reimburse for any expenses, etc.

Thanks in advance!


Thanks very much for the response!  My reasons for looking for a manual do include helpful hints on speaker positioning that may be specific to the Tantos (or Gemme line family). If you happen to remember anything of note, please let me know. Also, you never know what useful information a manual may provide!  I have found they often come in handy, and as the speakers were a major purchase for me, I was hoping to ensure I had everything covered, so to speak.

It is good to know, however, that if I never find one, at least I am not missing much!  Thanks also for offering info on potential driver replacements. Fortunately, Robert Gaboury was kind enough to provide me with this. Unfortunately, though, he didn’t have any leftover manuals available.

I remember wording around placement from the rear wall being important due to the pressure levels emitting from the rear port. (at least 2' in my case). The V2 also had an adjustable port (spacer), which I don't believe is available on the V1. Personally, I found the Tanto needed zero to very little toe in. The sweet spot for that speaker was almost as wide as the whole room I had them placed in. I had mine set up on the long wall of a 13'x18' room and at about a 10' listening distance. It was an amazing little speaker with big sound and thanks in most part to the cabinet design. As you're aware, the driver selection is fairly basic...which I think is awesome as a consumer.
I agree with @yakbob My V2s were about 2 feet from the front wall (to the rear of the speakers) and I also preferred them with NO Toe In. I did not utilize the plugs.

yakbob and david_ten,

Thanks for the comments. It’s funny that you both used very little toe in. Mine are toed in quite a bit! I found it helpful in my situation because I need to place the speakers along the long wall in a room that is somewhat shallow (15'x12.5' minus a lot of bookshelves/furniture), and I want to make the listening spot as wide as possible to accommodate an awkward listening position and potential “guests”. I experimented quite a lot with placement, but you’re inspiring me to explore some more. Unfortunately I have some real issues with a deep and wide bass null - probably due to room acoustics. I’ll be experimenting with some bass traps but I can’t fit that many….

BTW, yakbob, I think you suggested the Tantos in a thread where I was asking for speaker advice so I owe you the credit for turning me on to them!

I owned a pair of the original Tantos.  Don't remember the manual, so as others have said, it likely didn't provide all that much help.  Surprised Robert Gaboury cannot provide a soft copy, that seems strange.

Gemme was a partnership between Robert and Jean Pierre Boudreau.  You may want to take a chance in reaching out to JP, as he's known