SACD sounds better right???
all of my stuf flooded 4’ 4 days.
i have no money but I am replacing a headphone setup and I feel I must have in CD player SACD because it sounds much better, am I right?????? Help!!
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My bad. Apologies.I confused you with "Teresa" - username DSD on and other forums.
Re SACD, the proof is in the pudding. I pulled out an old Sam Cooke SACD ( Portrait of a legend) last night and boy did it sound great. While I do have a few cd's that sound as good, it is a joy to hear older classics redone in SACD. I would put the Stones, AKUS, Elton John and even Junior Wells into this grouping. I know everyone is into streaming these days but if you have them, pull out a few you haven't listened to in a long time - you will be in for a treat!

@Elizabeth , I'm really sorry that you haven't heard how good SACD can sound.  I'm really perplexed when you say that SACDs lack air and ambience.  I've found just the opposite, that a well mastered SACD gives me room ambience that even the best CDs cannot match.

I'm not questioning your ears, but there's got to be something 'wrong' for you to hear less 'air' on SACD than Redbook CD.  Not trying to argue, but I bet that one day you will hear this yourself. (When you do, remember me ;-)

Oh, and I'm definitely talking 2-channel... and even mono.

Happy Listening!