Anyone ever hear Meyer Sound X-10 speakers?

I read this about them...

Meyer Sound: The biggest secret in high-end loudspeakers is the Meyer Sound X-10. Priced up there with Wilson MAXXs and other big-baller loudspeakers, the X10 isn’t the prettiest date to the prom (to be kind), but industry types who have great ears are raving about this speaker. At a recent studio demo, editor Bryan Southard noted that the X10s are the only speakers he has ever heard that can recreate the true energy of a live drum kit. As a powered speaker with a horn tweeter, they might scare off some audiophiles, but it must be noted their horns don’t sound like stereotypical horn speakers. Top studios worldwide are installing Meyer Sound X10s into their mastering labs while the most cutting-edge custom installers are using X10s for their larger installations. Meyer also makes smaller speakers.
Meyer are experts at sound reinforcement (i.e. very very loud). I have never heard these but Angel Studios has a 5.1 set installed in one of their three studios...I'd bet they blow the socks off almost anything else! Better not to have neighbors! LOL
Hardly a secret -- let alone a "big" secret. You read ad copy maybe?
Very good speakers btw.
No, I don't think it was ad copy. It came from this article:

Sorry, I should have posted the link before.
Here's a story from an old issue of The Absolute Sound. Dave Wilson and John Meyer used to live close to each other in Novato, Ca. One day Dave's son told Dave that John's son bragged that John's speakers could blow Dave's away. Dave replied that the difference between his speakers and John's was that at the same very high SPL, Dave's speakers would end up on fire, while the listeners to John's speakers would end up on fire.