Just checked my "Audiophile" section, most of which I bought in the '70s and '80s. Labels:
- Pierre Verany -- some absolutely terrific albums with extremely realistic sound. Not really an audiophile label, but terrific sound revered in audiophile circles back in the day.
Proprius - Some of my favorites for sound and music, including Cantate Domino (now a Christmas standard in our family) and Jazz at the Pawnshop (as real a live jazz performance album as I've heard).
M&K Realtime - For Duke has been a go-to demo disc for me for many years -- the horns are right there in your room.
Opus 3 - A series of what they called "test records" for various sonic attributes like timbre and ambience. Terrific, natural sound, sometimes interesting material.
Ambience Recordings - Nice sound, so-so material.
East Wind - ditto
- Direct-Disk -- several albums with excellent sound, not so crazy about the music.
- Pierre Verany -- some absolutely terrific albums with extremely realistic sound. Not really an audiophile label, but terrific sound revered in audiophile circles back in the day.
Proprius - Some of my favorites for sound and music, including Cantate Domino (now a Christmas standard in our family) and Jazz at the Pawnshop (as real a live jazz performance album as I've heard).
M&K Realtime - For Duke has been a go-to demo disc for me for many years -- the horns are right there in your room.
Opus 3 - A series of what they called "test records" for various sonic attributes like timbre and ambience. Terrific, natural sound, sometimes interesting material.
Ambience Recordings - Nice sound, so-so material.
East Wind - ditto
- Direct-Disk -- several albums with excellent sound, not so crazy about the music.