uberwaltz"But please do carry on as from your style of "writing" I have grave misgivings on who is actually partaking of drugs right now......"
Ha ha ha ha another druggie joke you are so funny :) don’t worry about you’re grave misgivings English is not my native language I actually speak 7 or 8 languages depending on how you figure it but keep making you’re jokes about drugs here you have some company remember "gdhal" and his $25,000 USD phony test scam he tried to rip me and others off he was in to hallucinagenics and admitted it here and when confonted on it others came to defend him and the use of drugs there are a lot of druggies hear your just one of them ha ha ha ha here’s another smily for you :) how about some more drug jokes sure you can claim its’ me on drugs good luck proving that yes it's just a "clever little joke" you made anyone hopped up on intoxicants can get it ha ha ha ha .