If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
Thank Al.  Will do.  And Al?  Thanks again for this thread.

Isn’t this hobby, the end, all about the MUSIC?  

Chazro, great stuff.  Gotta get me soma dat Honeydrippin new (old) music!

Gotta run, it’s off to the Fox Theater to hear the most outrageous Oakland soul/funk band of all!!!  

Funk the Dumb Stuff !! 
@fmpnd On the thread, my pleasure. Less we forget, this thread started by my teenage boys being willing to have me ask y'all what you thought of a band they current follow. BTW my family now calls this thread "old audio funk dudes" I kind of like that. :-) And my bass player son has been playing the Strokeland Superband album, "Kick It Up a Step" for his buddies, thanks to y'all.
@chazro California Honeydrops new to me too. (A lot is new to me) I like that cut. Thanks for posting it. Keep 'em coming... 
Less we forget, this thread started by my teenage boys being willing to have me ask y'all what you thought of a band they current follow. BTW my family now calls this thread "old audio funk dudes"

@astewart8944   My recommendation of Galactic was because they are Funk but are also evolving...which is why I suggested them as a bridge group for your sons.

They will likely appreciate Childish Gambino... the "Awaken, My Love!" or Kauai albums.

Remind them that not all of Dad's audio dudes are listening to old funk. : )
@david_ten BTW I'm sitting here right now listening to the Galactic "Crazy Mongoose" CD that arrived today. My boys both sat down earlier and listened with me for a bit. Awesome. On Childish Gambino, they are fans...I will tell them you are cooler than me :-) 
Great post!