Please help me find perfect dac for me


I am looking for a new dac, and i hope you can give me some suggestions. I find dac world is so competitive, and moving so fast... It is difficult to know where to "start"

Here are my constraints
- Budget : ~2K Euros - 2.5K USD
- No tube
- Pure dac, no preamp 
- Silver color
- Bonus : small form factor, 10" width (25cm) max would be ideal but not mandatory

Now for sonic, i want something that sound live, not too much analytical (i don't like when i heard too many details), large soundstage in width and depth, with neutral tonality
Here is a list of what i have heard / owned and what i did not like. (Unfortunaly each listen was with different system, so my judgment may be biased)

- Audio research DAC 9 : i love this dac, probably my favorite I heard, but way much out of budget. If you have cheaper alternative which sound like it and without tube i would like to know !
- Audio GD (don't remember which one 7) : Sound is too smooth and slow.
- Mytek DSD : sound is too bright and dry. maybe pro stuff is not for me
- McIntosh D100 : sound is flat. I just find it boring
- Lampizator DSD (currently owning): details retrieval is perfect, I really like the sound of this dac, except i find soundstage too narrow. higher model (atlantic, lite 7...) are out of budget. Besides i want to get rid of tube in my dac

I read lot of good thing about yggy, but i am affraid it may be too clinical for me, and seems hard to get. HOLO is black so i have to pass on this one ...

Any suggestions ?

Thanks :)


I recommend a used Empirical Audio Overdrive SE. Includes great volume control, balanced outs and selection of interfaces.  No DSD, but one of the best sounding DACs for 16/44.1.

You can convert it to an SX when you can afford this later.  One of two DACs that won the PCM DAC shootout on Audiogon.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

@sphilia The first DAC that made (and has left) an impression was the AR DAC7. This was 10 years or so ago.

There is no perfect DAC.....I would let that go.

Only you can ’find’ the right DAC for yourself.
@rhljazz I think i will give chord a try first. Chord is more easily available in France than other mentionned, i think i can have a listening session at my local dealer for this one.

@david_ten Yeah i know there is no perfect dac, especially at my price range. But there is so many DAC in market that i want to restrict my search.

For others suggestions i will try to listen to them if brand offer return policy

I am really curious about R2R, need to listen to some !

thanks for advice

Chord is a great choice. I owned one and liked its sense of realism.
 I highly recommend you replace the stock wall-wart (switch mode power supply) with a linear PS. This upgrade will result in a more dynamic presentation and a larger soundstage.