Schiit not shipping

Anybody else only receiving lip service instead of customer service from Schiit Audio? In March I ordered three products and today May 28th they say they have no idea when any might ship, saying the Freya production is stopped. Back order dates have come and gone without any explanation or contact. 
Someone told me when I had problems with a very small but popular audio company that poor service often came with “boutique audio companies”. I had
really poor communication with the owner, excuses, an arrogant reply, terrible customer service and overall lost money. Never again. That was not Schiit Audio, but maybe it could be.
I don't know wolf, clear says he speaks 7 or 8 different languages. I wonder what language he thinks the clearest in. My guess English might not be at the top of the list ...
I Think it’s clear we all know who’s talking schiit in this thread... now where’s my crack pipe 😂
I would also guess that with them not shipping anything right now, that their warehouse has to be full of Shitt.  Just saying.....