Don't waste money on ultrasonic RCMs

Cleeds, It’s simple.  Alcohol will remove that which is soluble in alcohol. Oily deposits from fingertips, etc, are not so soluble in water alone, but they are more easily removed with dilute alcohol.  Can you imagine that there might be fingerprints on second-hand LPs?  That’s not too difficult to imagine.
Of course. But since I've gone the ultrasonic cleaning route, I've found no need for solvents.
+1 chayro. But, in "our" defense, we are, ah, nerds? So, any statement is subject to scrutiny. 
out here on the interwebs it's a fine line between tongue-in-cheek and trolling 
There are some record cleaning fluids on the market that contain some percentage of alcohol.   People that insist on using undiluted alcohol on their vinyl records do so at the risk of damaging them over time.

DO NOT use alcohol on older 78's.  You will ruin them. 

The RCM generally isn't the issue.  It's the cleaning fluid used and the failure to adequately remove the fluid and contaminants from the record surface.

A few sources that should be reviewed and contemplated:

The above is VERY long - but worth the time to read.

This one is from wikipedia:

Library of Congress:

People wanna always take shortcuts.  Methinks Mr. Tang's method of applying WD40 is just another shortcut along the lines of using wood glue.

At the very least, get yourself a Spin Clean if you can't afford a RCM
ultrasonic or otherwise.   I personally use a Okki Nokki along with Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions products and I'm very happy with it and the results I obtain.

Bottomline:  It's your choice.  It's your record collection.  It's your money.