What used speakers raraely come up for sale

Lets keep it under $7,000 used, but interested to hear what used speakers rarely get listed for sale because they are so sought after and if they do appear they get snapped up very quickly?  Cheers
I honestly feel that if a speaker is really good, that you won't see it on the market that often as most will keep it.  That said, this is also audio where so many change their components like some change underwear, lol.  

If a speaker has been out for many many years, then you will obviously see it being sold as there are just sooo many of them and anything can eventually get long in the tooth due to newer tech adn materials etc...

I also see a ton of some companies speakers always available as they change their designation every couple of years.  Wilson comes to mind.  Takes nothing away from their speakers, but that they change models often.
Guys one of the biggest reasons you may not see some speakers for sale is because they really didn't sell many if any.  You'd be amazed at some speaker companies making us think they sell X number of a model when in fact they aren't selling many at all.  That happens to even some of the 'larger' name companies.  Often times a model just won't sell for many reasons.  I was talking with a manufacture of electronics about this today as I found it an interesting post.  
Ctsooner you have a good point but what comes to mind when I interpret this question is that these speakers typically sell in a matter of a few days or a week.  I can think of a few examples of two such speakers currently for sale however they both look like they’ve been through a wood chipper.  If they were in 8/10 they’d be long gone.  Can anyone name one that I’m thinking?