Tidal and MQA..two questions.

Tidal seems to be in financial trouble as it has been reported in many news outlets. Jay-Z is having problems with not paying artists and paying two artists too much money.
1. Therefore if Jay-Z was forced to sell the artist owned company ...who would bail it out?
2. Also are there any other streaming services that offer MQA content (other than Tidal)?

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Has anyone else found 16/44 Tidal on Roon doesn't sound as good as the same track ripped and served locally by Roon? My wife actually noticed this - we were playing an orchestral piece and she commented the sound was anemic and lacking, "something's wrong." I realized she had clicked on it in Tidal, and when I switched to the ripped local copy she said it was better again. They were both 16/44, so no MQA involved.
I hear you on TidalBut I think Deezer is a worthy alternative and hopefully Quboz will be another good option when it finally launches in the USA.
Not sure how either of those integrate with Roon as I do  not use it.
I have to say though in my rig to my ears, MQA is usually audibly better but just my opinion.

@taww Yes, I experience the phenomena you describe. I now listen to new things on TIDAL and if I like them I buy the CD and rip it to my server. Generally (but not every time) the 16/44 from the ripped CD onto the server has better SQ than the 16/44 streamed TIDAL version. No MQA used. 
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