"I just upgraded from the chroma 2 to the HX version of the GMA RIO . The results were amazing!! much better cohesion across the frequency spectrum . The detail was also improved. I have owned many highly rated speakers and none of them come close to the overall musicality of the RIO HX." - Steven Cochran
"...these speakers have a very natural musical sound. They are for music lovers." - dbb
"Yes I have owned chromas and I hated them." - kenjit
Kenjit, can you describe your room and amplifier? Assuming dbb and Mr. Cochran are not deaf, it is possible that there is a serious problem elsewhere in your system that you are mistakenly attributing to the Chromas.
"Do it on any other high quality speaker and you wont feel a thing because they use a sharper order crossover slops which are much more phase cohesive."
Sharper crossover slopes are NOT "much more phase cohesive". The fact that a steeper crossover can be in-phase at the crossover point does not make the system itself more "phase cohesive" across its passband. And the "phase coherence" that is claimed by everyone and his brother originates in the marketing department: Almost always such designs have either 180 degrees of phase shift with the tweeter’s polarity inverted to put it back "in phase" at the crossover point (but not elsewhere), OR 360 degrees of phase shift which puts the drivers back "in phase" at the crossover point (but not elsewhere) while the woofer lags the tweeter by one cycle, which is hardly "phase coherence".
dealer/manufacturer/competes against Green Mountain Audio