ESL's to Monitors

I need to downsize my speakers. I have a set of SL3's with a BAT vk30 pre and PSE 140 watt monoblocks. The speakers are too large for the place I am currently in and I am thinking of selling them and getting some monitors like Quads or Spica -50's. Does anybody have any suggestions for some small speakers that have the clarity and detail of the ESL's?
Thank you for all the responses. Many of these I will have to look up and I do have to keep the price down.One of the reasons I moved into a smaller place is that money is tight. Also, I live at least a 3 to 4 hour drive from any decent stereo store and I do want to preview before I buy. I have an old pair of Sansui SP-3500's that I can use for the pinch until I find something.Please keep the references coming so when I do drive to the city I can set up a number of listening sessions. And ,yes, I know that what I hear in one place won't sound the same in another due to room dynamics, etc.
King Sound makes a bookshelf electrostatic hybrid called the princess and princess 2