What's the best HD DVD player under $1,500

I'm mainly considering new models released in the last couple years. Is the newest Oppo player the best available right now or are there better manufacturers?
The new Rotel RSP-1069 has a quality video scaler, so that's one reason I'm considering it, and I used to own a Rotel RSP-1066, so I'm familiar with the manufacturer's build quality. I was considering the Anthem Statement D2 awhile back for it's video capabilities, but I'm not convinced about it's audio performance and would like something that sounds better (for strictly home theater use). I was also wondering if just getting a separate video scaler like a DVDO or Crystallio II would make sense, and then get a surround processor just for it's audio performance. But like I mentioned, the Marantz DVD player doesn't have HDMI output, if I would need that to upscale the picture.
If you want to invest in one of the new HD formats I would recommend the Sony PS3. I have owned one for just over a year and enjoyed many blu ray movies and the player has performed perfectly.

If you are just talking about standard DVD playback just hold on for a little while longer and wait on the new Oppo that is coming out at a $300-400 price range. It sounds like it will be the SD dvd player to own.

Good Question,

To answer your inquiry, from both an audio and video perspective, you cannot touch the OPPO product line for the money. I thought about a mid-line Denon for a while and then quickly came to my senses.

Even Stereophile had to admit it blew away the competition. It upconverts to a true 1080P and none of the HDTVs can improve upon that. Read the reviews, look at the price and buy their newest product or two of them, and keep the rest of your money in the bank for other toys.

I've got two OPPOs and they beat everything else hands down. Their audio perfection blows away the highest priced SACD players. Their new product (HM-31) also provides you with a very inexpensive answer in providing the latest HDMI Verison 1.3 update for your HDTV. At a cost of $99 it gives you three outputs instead of one and you are using the latest verion of HDMI, i.e., 1.3 instead of the outdated version 1.0. They think of everything for you.

OPPO keeps it real and they are for real.
FYI, I think the most expensive HD-DVD player made is still the Toshiba XA2, which lists for $599 but can be had for less. It's an excellent upconverter of SD discs as well.
Integra's DHS8.8 HD-DVD player retails for C$1200, but it's not exactly a big seller...