Dear Lew, There is or was some saying mentioning details
in connection with the devil but at my age I am glad when
I can remember the name of my mom. So, no wonder, I totally
forget those titanium screws. I see you are still going strong
in this connection or context. Curious but true this is a kind
of ''reward'' for my politeness. Dertonarm promised to me
''some'' of those (for free) but also mentioned that his whole
family (wife and son) is involved in production suggesting
''I am very busy''. So I was reluctant to bother him with asking
such questions which we all consider boring . Aka the questions
about our promises. If you deed not mention those titanium
screws I would be still in the beneficial position of not knowing.
But I also see that can order some in Japan and ask for
''unaccompanied delivery''.