What's the best HD DVD player under $1,500

I'm mainly considering new models released in the last couple years. Is the newest Oppo player the best available right now or are there better manufacturers?
Thanks everyone, great info! I guess I'll look into getting an OPPO or Toshiba XA2 DVD player. It sounds like it doesn't make sense to purchase a separate video scaler like the DVDO or Crystallio II. And I'll still need to decide on a new surround processor to get everything up and running. Any final thoughts as a new unit, not used market and under $5,000?
Ok, thanks Unclejeff, no Toshiba for now. What do you think about an OPPO HM-31 or other model?
To Unclejeff or anyone, if price is not an issue for me, would it make sense to get the Toshiba XA2 just for it's better video scaler/audio, if I just use it for DVD backward compatability, that is not buying any HD DVD's. Does that make sense or would it still be better to get an OPPO?
Rxlarry99.....Get the Toshiba HD X-A2.

It is a monster...an incredible player with a stunning picture for standard def dvd's