Converting cd's to high resolution audio

All my music is on cd's and my reading tells me that the cd itself has a limited shelf life and will degrade over time.
Any recommendations about converting my cd's to FLAC or some type of high quality music files. Not looking for
compressed files.
I see products such as the Blue Sound Music Vault and a Sony High Resolution Music Player.
Does anybody have any thoughts about how to accomplish this goal?

Thank you. 
@elizabeth - You're right, keep it close to your vest. I always chuckle when some noob asks "what is the be version of this-or-that record?". Translation: "Tell me the best recording so I don't have to buy them all like you dummies did.".
I thought the best way to preserve music would be to keep/store the hard copies! 

No, obviously, we can't add resolution to CD's by "adding bits". But it is entirely possible that converting them to a higher resolution format makes it easier for a dac to retrieve the info that's there. Anyone remember how much a good transport improves a CD player? 

There is a certain analog nature at play, in that the data stream/sine wave suffers from loss of quality...thus, preserving that as much as possible results in more resolution/better sound. 

Well, as a whole, our transports are breaking down, and what is available are more geared toward universal and getting better sound with streaming. I wonder how much of the perceived quality is the result we have forgot what a GOOD 16 bit player sounds like? 

So, I am wondering where the bar is. Asking the question. For example, to my knowledge, nothing exist or is being used that has as much available source info as a vinyl record. Has the bar been lowered to the best 16 bit? Has it, or will it be raised to enough bits to equal or better vinyl? Where exactly is it now? 

So back full circle, makes sense to save the CD's as hard copies to perhaps wait, or find a medium that gives them the best sound, right? Cause I don't think it exist yet.
Absolutely! basement.Excellent points all around on the whole data extraction from a CD/SACD thing. If we are not "there" yet, as far as, player/dac(s) giving us the best sound? Manufacturers are getting pretty damn close.Happy Listening!
I see -elizabeth.not looking to steal nor grab your cookies ;)
Happy Listening!
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