Hey Chad,
The Megalines are worth the price in comparison to the sound that comes out of them when they are set up correctly, and they are made in very small qualities and are very well built.
In Clemment's room they are almost touching the ceiling as well and the sound is spectacular. Mr. Perry is very fussy about his sound and the famous Albert Porter also owns the Dali.
A well set up pair of Megalines will easily challenge the X2, and the fact that it is a two way with only one crossover point means it is seemless and very transparent.
The Megaline's do need to be bi-amped which does increase the cost,and they need a subwoofer if you really want them to sing, but even with those caveats the speakers really are amazing and even at $50k plus $3,300-? whatever for a good or pair of subs and a second amplifier this is an absolutly world class reference grade speaker.
A line source array also works extremely well in smaller rooms based on the radiation pattern of the system and considering the price of X2 vs the Dali that might make a huge difference in price.
As I said Clemments room is small and is similar in dimension and his system is unbelievable. I know I have heard it on numerous occasions! He is currently using the Behold electronics, with a Tact room eq and the Megalines, and the system puts you in the space of live music.
I would write to Clemment and maybe he would let you hear his creation.