Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed

I have been happily using a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs with single-ended M5-HP crossovers for a few years now. My system was dialed in the way I like it (bass a bit on the full side, but still tight and defined). I just had my amplifier repaired and upgraded, and the new input impedance is 22k ohms vs. the 10k ohms before the upgrade. I followed the Vandersteen recommendation for the jumper settings in the M5-HP (6 and 7 only, "on" or not open), and the bass is just about MIA altogether. As per the Vandy web site, I disregarded the chart on the case of the M5-HP and followed the chart on the web site.  Because I am an idiot, I didn’t bother to mark down the settings of the jumpers prior to changing them. Anybody have any suggestions for me that will restore the bass? I am pretty sure the issue is the jumper settings. Thanks in advance!
I had a question related to setting the M5-HP boxes for use with high efficiency main speakers (97db).  The knob on the 2wq only goes to 94db.  (So when you turn up the volume, the main speakers get louder earlier than the subs.)  If you want more bass than the 94 dB setting allows, would you set them to the next lower impedance rating (for example, 50k to 30k) so that the multimeter reads 0.8xx instead of 0.7xx?
@drew_k ,
I think Johnny would be the best person to ask. You can PM him if you want.
@drew_k Going one setting lower on the crossover should do the trick. Can’t hurt to open them up and give it a shot. Good Luck☘️
Sorry I never posted the outcome here.  I thought I had.  Anyway, the issue was that my M5-HPs, which I bought used, were custom units with 10 rather than 8 dip switches (I should change my rating on the Audiogon seller, who never mentioned this to me).  Using the sticker on the case of the crossover was indeed the correct way to use these with my 2Wqs.

That's the good news.  For about a year, I was really enjoying the system.  Then, earlier this month, catastrophic failure.  The amp died on me, complete with sparking flashes and un-welcomed smells.  As I decided after the last repair/upgrade, I am done with this amp (and it's builder).  I need something I can actually lift on my own. It weighs 64 lbs., I need something under 40 lbs. And good sound would be nice, too.

The big problem is that I am not working, and my budget is really limited.

Many owners of Ohm speakers, like me, report excellent results using high powered class D amps.  I know someone who builds these amps, and he has offered me a powerful stereo class D amp for a reasonable price.  I have actually heard the monoblock version of the same amp in my system and liked it very much.  I know a few owners of these amps and the general impression is excellent.

The problem is compatibility with the M5-HP.  I spoke to RV, and he was emphatic that class D amps would be a bad match for the M5-HPs.  Something about the actual input impedance being different than the published spec.  He advised avoiding class D, but said if I went that way, to check the impedance myself with the meter and Vandertones.  Note that when I had the monoblock version in my system few years back, I do not recall any issues with the M5-HPs set at the spec'd input impedance of those amps.

So, I guess what I'd like to know is, do any of you use the M5-HPs with a class D amp, or know someone who does?  How has that worked out?  I am in a real bind here, so I'd appreciate your thoughts.  I am hesitant to buy used, and most amps I can afford, even used, are too heavy for me.  Thanks!

I have a Integrated hybrid Class D amp using a 2Wq sub, (second sub coming shortly) with M5-HP crossovers, and the combination has been working flawlessly for over 2 years now. Richard V. isn't particularly fond of class D amps driving his speakers. He prefers tubes. Had this conversation with him over the phone a while back.