My bottle of Kontak cleaner just came today. I have read alot of good reviews about it but none say how to use or apply it. Can anyone that uses it can tell me how to apply it ? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
@ tattooedtrackman

"  Thanks....I didnt even think of the electric posts on my amp ,preamp and cdp until it came. I was just thinking about my speaker cable spades and power cable plug ends. I guess you can use it on any metal connections. "

I would do one thing and then give it a few days before adding it to other connections.     that way if there is a change that is not good, you will know what piece you did.

"  BTW, what do you clean with it? "

I use it on my speaker cables on both ends.....and also on my IC's,

addyson815......Forgot about my ICs....What about your electric posts on you amp pre and cdp and power cords?
"What about your electric posts on you amp pre and cdp and power cords?

I only did the speaker posts on the amp / speakers.....and the inputs/outputs on the preamp / phono preamp.              didnt do anything power related.....