@mickeyb surprised you say that about Anthony, or anyone else for that matter. Isn't that part of the many reasons why music is such a powerful, visceral art form - precisely because it has the power to heal and comfort? At least is does for me.
Which reminds me....after my beloved father's own suicide over 20 years ago, I was sitting in my office at Festival Productions, and I remember putting on the song Dear Lord by John Coltrane, which has always been one of my favorite tracks. I cried uncontrollably. Every time I hear it, it brings me back to that time and I am grateful, because it reminds me at that very moment why I'm so lucky to be alive and well.
Bourdain had showed signs of his pain. Watch the Berlin episode that just recently aired. His mental state is pretty apparent. Suicide is a horrible thing because of what it leaves behind.
I wish that his family and all families of this horrible disease known as deep depression find suitable ways to cope. ~LG