Primare I21 or I30. I have the most experience with the I21. Primare is by far one of the best audio designers out there. There simplicity approach proves nothing but the purest sound reproduction. Some say relaxed, but I think thats a cop out because its pretty sad how most of these companies review equipment any way. Give them an audition, also keep in mind Primare equipment is rarely available used and that say something. Can you find it used, yes but not nearly as readily available as other higher end contenders that many people claim to be the holy grail of audio.
whole sale pricing and as a gift from my wife
Theres a lot of BS in the HiFi world quoting an owner of a leading audio dist and manufacturer, told me that in his living room when auditioning an prototype turntable
long story
Also customer service from The Sound Organisation is very good and same as for Sumiko for when they where they dists.