Zu Druid questions

For some reason I've ttally overlooked these speakers. I've seen them mentioned many times and am unsure why they didn't catch my attention until now.

Anyhow, I'm very curious. I am currently running a pair of Usher 6381's. Has anyone listenedd to both the six series Ushers and the Druids? I'd love to hear your observations.

These appear to be basically a horn type speaker in the way they function. Do they have a sound similar to that of say the Klipsh heritage series, or am I way off bass?

I once owned a pair of LaScallas that I loved, but just could not put up with the size. These have peaked my interest.

Casouza, thanks so much for this informative post. I could care less about measurments, only the sound.

I'm not sure I know what you mean when referrng to the tone. I like the sound of the real thing for sure, but I also like hearing the details. After all, Bose claims to reproduce the "live" sound. I'll leave it at that. :-)

I'm still curious to know if this speaker favors a specific type of music. Do those who like them prefer rock or classical? And how about those who who dislike them? What kind of music do they prefer and what don't they like (measurments aside)?

My old Klipsch LaScalla's measured poorly at both ends of the frequency spectrum and I loved their sound.

BTW, I'll be traveling on vacation next month from Texas to Vegas to San Diego and back (driving). Anyone know of a store along this route where I might be able to audition the Zu's? I realize there are very few dealers, but thought I would ask.
Casouza, thanks so much for this informative post. I could care less about measurments, only the sound.


Exceptional speakers do not need to be reasonably flat with wide dispersion to sound good. You are right to care only about the sound. Let us know how the Zu's sound if you get to audition them. I enjoyed your review of Energy Veritas a while ago. Good luck and enjoy your vacation! (BTW: Las Vegas Pro Audio is on your route - might be worth your time as the live, dynamic or impulse response that Casouza describes as a feature of the Zu's is also a trait you can often find in pro audio gear)
Thanks to everyone for the responses. Once I get my 2.3i's sold and get back from vacation I'm going to order a pair.

Of course I'll post a follow-up when appropriate.

Again; many thanks.
Thanks for the highly informative post, Casouza. Obviously I was wrong in my guess about the construction of the Druid, and I appreciate your setting the record straight.

OK Guys, I already took the plunge. I was looking at speakers on ebay and found that Zu had a limited number of the Druids on sale for just two grand so I jumped on it.

I tried to call them to verify that these were in fact their latest model, etc., but it was too late so I just went for it.

I also still want to find out if they will be broken in before shipping.

Anyhow, I'll let you guys know how things turn out.

Sure hope someone buys my Veritas' soon before my wife kills me. Ushers, Veritas and Druids for one room. ;0)