Zu Druid questions

For some reason I've ttally overlooked these speakers. I've seen them mentioned many times and am unsure why they didn't catch my attention until now.

Anyhow, I'm very curious. I am currently running a pair of Usher 6381's. Has anyone listenedd to both the six series Ushers and the Druids? I'd love to hear your observations.

These appear to be basically a horn type speaker in the way they function. Do they have a sound similar to that of say the Klipsh heritage series, or am I way off bass?

I once owned a pair of LaScallas that I loved, but just could not put up with the size. These have peaked my interest.

To Shadorne -

Hey, thanks for the welcome. It was my first post here, I've mostly hung out on recording forums. But I have been checking Agon for a while since getting interested in the Zu products, I appreciate everyone's good information about these speakers.

Sorry I haven't figured out the forum options to reply/quote to you directly (if there are any?). So, I'll just write...

I can't get photos of the living room setup right now, since the Druids have been moved to the recording studio for some more evaluation as mixing/mastering monitors.

So that is the reason for the additional pair, not for surround. Although I bet 4 Druids would be a great setup for surround. I'll try to get some pics for you when I get the new ones installed.

I came on a little strong with the "hyped" comments. I wouldn't want to imply that PMC monitors are anything less than excellent in their overall performance. They are remarkable speakers in every way, especially when compared to their studio monitor competitors, and I was thrilled to find and use them for quite a while.

It's just that they present more of the strong, detailed sound typical of high quality reference speakers, and that general sound is such a dramatic contrast to the beautiful, effortless tone of the Zu Druids. A direct comparison is the really the only way to highlight that difference.

No guarantees yet that the Druids will hold up against the PMC in the studio. So far, I have had to make a lot of adjustments in my listening approach, since the reproduction is so different. And as always, placement in the mixing room is critical, so I have been doing quite a bit of experimenting there.

I can say that the midrange and bass are incredibly organic and refreshing on the Druids, after so many years of working with "ultra clear" monitors. I can now easily hear and *feel* changes such as equalizer adjustments of 1/3 dB, compression attack/release, reverb/delay settings, etc. All are much more obvious. The difference in treble response is requiring some unlearning, but I'm liking what I am discovering.

I have found that some tracks previously rejected when listening on the PMC now sound great on the Druids. I will know more after I finish a variety of sample mixes.

I even played some plugged-in acoustic guitar and electric bass directly through the mixer into the Druids, and they are outstanding for that. I'm almost thinking of taking them to a live gig this weekend to use for PA mains.... but realistically they are not really suited for road use with their exposed components. I could see making some cabinets for them if it works out, though.

I've been living with my Druids for the past couple of months now so I thought I would give a quick update.

Forget everything I said about the soundstage, details, etc. Everyone said these speakers take some time to really open up and they do.

I just can't believe how good these speakers are. It took me awhile to get them set-up properly and to find the right amp, but it's certainly paid off.

With the 60 day in home trial I say run, don't walk. Awesome! Just awesome!

I also added the Zu center which is an almost perfect match from my Druids.
"Welcome to the real world" (Morphius) You have been awakened from the audio matrix :-)
Now I see why you were selling the odyssey, definitely not the amp in the end for those speakers..
Good luck

What amp did you end up with? Did you stay with the Acurus, or go to something else?
Morphius lives!!!! :0)

Undertow is right about the Odyssey not being a good match. I talked to the folks at Zu about this amp and they think it has to do with too much damping. Normally a good thing, but not so with the Zu's aparently.

Armstrod, I'm using an Acurus A200 for the mains and a Acurus 200X3 for center and rears. I can't imagine a much better match for these speakers as far as solid state amps go. Maybe an Aragon??

I would still like to experiement a bit with different cables and IC's. I'm quite happy with what I have, but you just never know.

It seems practically everyone that owns the Zu's are using tube based equipment. I too would like to try some tube equipment some day.