Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
OK, I've got it now. It sounds like a solid plan.
Running both lines to the ground bar in the panel means that they will share the same ground, less chance of a ground-loop.

Please let us know how it all comes together. You have great components.

Running both lines to the ground bar in the panel means that they will share the same ground, less chance of a ground-loop.
This is required by NEC in the US. All grounds must be connected to the ground bus at the service panel.
@lowrider57 ..........Will do and thanks very much and to all that replied to my post...Very much appreciated all the help.... 
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