Both of these amps are very old. I used to own Adcom amp (GFA545) and it was great for a first amp in my journey. However, I found it was very dirty sounding and low resolution. Both of these amps (Adcom/Acurus) are very warm and laid back sounding. If you want that kind of sound, then I would probably recommend Acurus as the better quality component.
Sounds like you are looking for local ads only? Do you have a dislike for internet sales?
Parasound 2125 from TMR Audio ($400):
Parasound 275 V2 (newer model) from TMR Audio ($379)
Odyssey Khartago ($525):
All of these are from reputable sellers (TMR is a retailer that has excellent customer service). Any of these will be better than Adcom/Acurus. They will have more resolution and attack (more detail in the music).