Mcintosh 452 vs Pass Labs XA 30.5

Hello everyone, I'm at the Mcintosh house and so maybe part of the answers will be taken for granted, thanks to the desire to try new devices I'm evaluating a transition from my current Final Pass Xa 30.5 to a MC452. Even the pre should be replaced by switching from an Xp10 Pass to the Mcintosh C48.
I use the Totem Mani 2, Audio Physic Scorpio 2 and Tannoy Eaton speakers in a listening environment of around 20 sqm at low and medium volumes.
I would like some advice from those who have had the opportunity to try, comparing these brands and the good interface between the coupled MC 48 and 452 and my speakers.
Thank you.
“On these fairly easy to drive speakers, both will work fine...”

Totem Mani2 speakers are actually not an easy load
I beg to differ, you quoted me.
They are an easy load for an amp, just not efficient so you need watts. 

Not looking for an argument but whatever wording you want to choose your advice was not appropriate.
But you are, then don't quote me and then try to "cover" your inability to distinguish "bad load for a speaker" with "inefficiency of a speaker".
A speaker with bad load impedance for an amp, with one that's just "inefficient", which in this case the Mani2's are, just inefficient and NOT a difficult impedance "load" for an amp.

The  30watt Pass to me will sound the best to a given volume level, but the 450w Mac will go louder. This volume level has nothing to do with the "load" the speakers presents, but the "efficiency", to which will give the higher volume level. As far as me saying the Pass will sound better to a given volume, that's because it's a Pass, and the Mac? well is a Mac, (a solid state with output transformers?????) bizarre!

Cheers George   

@missioncoonery not doubting you. I haven’t had any issues with any of the 3 McIntosh units I have, but if I do I will let my dealer handle it. Hopefully I won’t get yanked.
ARC has really good customer service too, and you’re probably going to need it because it will blow up expensively
"But you are, then don't quote me and then try to "cover" your inability to distinguish "bad load for a speaker" with "inefficiency of a speaker"."

I give up. You wore me out. Go read Atkinson's measurements. I'm done with your BS.
Efficiency and impedance loading are two different measurement parameters in a speaker, end of story, your the one with the BS, with the inability to distinguish between the two, to mate amps up with.

For those that are interested:
An inefficient speaker like these Totems with low (80db) and fairly easy impedance load, can still be driven by a mediocre amp with less than average current drive, so long as it has high enough wattage for that inefficiency, to be played loud.

But if that same speaker also had a nasty impedance load as well, then it still needs an amp with the wattage to go loud, but would also need that amp to have good current drive as well to handle the nasty impedance load as well to stay linear in frequency response at those low impedance dips. If not it would sound like a tone control at those impedance dips.

Cheers George

When you want to experience music at the highest level possible you need a system what can reveal all the details and properties of the recording. This has nothing to do with personal taste. We are talking about facts.

The Luxman cannot create a very deep stage, becaus the stage dna is 2D. You cannot change this part, not even by modification. The second limitation on facts is that it cannot create diversity in height. Even this is a property of sound.

We have proven in the last months to many different people that Tru-Fi outperforms any trial and error system owned by new clients. We ask them to take their own music with them.

We let them hear their music with a Tru-Fi system. And they all agreed that it is superior to their own system. And they all agree that the level in emotion and realims is of a different world. Most of them said that they never auditioned this level in emotion and realism.

When we install an audiosystem. We bring in for over 7000 dollar in hightech measurement tools. Most companies only bring in a few cheep tools. Trial and error is a very low level in creating any audiosystem . And we can proof on facts over and over again that it is inferior based on facts compared to any Tru-Fi system.

Because the facts proof that they miss essential parts of sound. And we proof that the level in emotion and realism is inferior to our Tru-Fi systems. Each single human being will always choose for each audiosystem what can reveal all the different properties of sound. Due to the fact that all different properties of sound can influence the human emotion.

That is why each audiosystem what can reveal all the details and properties of sound will be chosen by each individualk person. We have proven this in the last months many times.

The thing I love most rergarding audio is that the most convincing and emotional sound will be chosen bij each individualk person. Based on the fact that our emotin works the same way. The only thing that is personal is our taste in music.

But......sound contains of different properties. And you need them all to feel the emotion that the music possesses. The beiggest propblem in audio is that over 99% of all audioproducts are incomplete on facts. This means that they cannot reveal all the different properties of sound.

And what is missing will never be there. Each audiosystem what is incomplete will create a lower level in emotion and intensity for each human being. And we can proof this on facts what we have done many many times.