Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
Welcome to the forums Dan!

Very happy Modwright Oppo 205 and CPT 1800 owner here.
You should speak to both Lak and Ozzy as they both Beta tested the Deep Core and reported their findings which differed greatly from another Beta tester and acquaintance of Mark.

From what I read in both Ozzy's and Lak's experience and posts, there seemed to be no observable improvement in sound quality using Deep Core in their systems.

Although I am quite happy with the performance of my 1800, although there seems to be quite a few posters here who have paid for both undelivered Equicores and Deep Cores.

All, My communications from both respective parties is that CPT needs to sort out its current orders/refunds/debts. It then may be a possibility that  ModWright may assume CPT.

I stress, that all current issues with CPT need to be clarified. As far as products are concerned, the Super Stroke and EQUI=CORE will be available, but not while Deep Core is going through proofing. DC is going to be a viable product and it's design will give all competitors a good run. As usual, there will be a wait until full production is available. A.

Agreed chazzzy and amg.

As I said I am very happy with the 1800 but I have a feeling I was among the very last group to receive anything before matters took a serious downturn.

Before anything else occurs ALL outstanding orders and/or refunds must take place.
No future for cpt at all under any ownership until this is taken care of.
To all of you who've never had any experience with Dan.
My experience as an owner of his Oppo 205 Mod was and is a 10+.
He as well as his staff are responsive and very easy to reach and speak with.

IMO CPT could not be going to better hands.