Bob Carver new tune expected

Any idea how his electronics are. I know ships speakers are awesome..look like crap though. 
 I had a friend bring over a Sunfire tube preamplifier and it sounded great.  Sure the phase linear stuff might be crappy but so was all the solid-state stuff from that timeframe. 
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Bob is a great guy. Sure, he's not the niche of the month that you see here on audiogon but then again, I see lots of names here that quickly become fleeting fame. Bob's still around after all these years. He gets my vote as a straight shooter.

Lance Cochrane
roberjerman, the phrase' flame linear' applies to bob carvers phase linear amps.
Thank you g_nakamoto! But I already knew that! And I was just making a joke about my TFM-15cb (presently driving a pair of KLH Nines and a pair of Ohm Sound Cylinders)! And not sounding "thin" at all!