@audiotroy Maybe I am missing something but it is hard to believe a $400-$800 NAS (which based on other opinions is inherently noisy) would be better than a well designed server with onboard storage. You also seem to contradict your packet philosophy ("In the world of digital the packeted music going into the server may actually sound better than the onboard music via the ssd") by touting a USB connection from the Inuous to your DAC. Why wouldn't you go via Ethernet to stay all packet transmission?
I am open to the NAS approach if I can be convinced.
I do have Ethernet at my rack however I do not have home runs from my router but rather MAC>Cable Modem/Router>2 floors to Netgear Switch>1 floor up to 2nd Netgear switch near rack>DAC. I know that is not ideal. Adding a NAS (since I would not put it near my rack) will go down a similar path. Have no idea how to make that better currently.
@rbstehno The Inuous/Melco/Antipodes can connect via Ethernet to a DAC so I'm not sure that is old tech. I have the PS Audio DSJr with the Bridge II card as well but I am looking to improve how I feed my library to that
@labtec interesting unit but over my budget at $8k
Good discussion. Thanks all
I am open to the NAS approach if I can be convinced.
I do have Ethernet at my rack however I do not have home runs from my router but rather MAC>Cable Modem/Router>2 floors to Netgear Switch>1 floor up to 2nd Netgear switch near rack>DAC. I know that is not ideal. Adding a NAS (since I would not put it near my rack) will go down a similar path. Have no idea how to make that better currently.
@rbstehno The Inuous/Melco/Antipodes can connect via Ethernet to a DAC so I'm not sure that is old tech. I have the PS Audio DSJr with the Bridge II card as well but I am looking to improve how I feed my library to that
@labtec interesting unit but over my budget at $8k
Good discussion. Thanks all