Klipsch vs Infinity

Infinity Irs Gamma vs Klipschorns. Which would you choose and why. 

I owned IRS Gammas for several years.  Arguably the best speakers I have owned.  While the do not have the sensitivity of the K-horns, they will in fact play extremely loud.  The servo controlled bass is the best I have ever had in my room.   Reason for selling?  Just like everyone else has mentioned...servicing.  I had to re-cap the servo controller.  Even after that, it still drifted in and out of calibration.  I am knowledgeable to service and calibrate it myself, but still a PITA.  The coating on the EMIM magnets was starting to peel.  The L-EMIM is unobtainium (or really expensive if you can find one).

I have heard the K-horns on occasion.  They sounded ok.  I owned Klipsch Quartet for a year or so in my second system.  I never really got into the Klipsch house sound and greatly preferred my vintage ADS L710 I have owned for 35 years or so.  But if you are into horns, I think Klipsch are a very good choice.  I think 17' is too far apart.  You would probably be better served with Cornwalls or La Scallas. 

Just my $0.02 coming from a die hard planar / dipole fan.
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Infinity just killed the entire EMIM making.
True. they haven't made any in years.

Even when great replacement diaphragms were being made in Australia, The folks who bought out Infinity stopped them with patent infringement.
Absolutely not true, as verified by Graz, who makes the diaphragms.
I jinxed myself regarding service.....  my daughters graduation party was last night and my kids were streaming to the system.... my daughter who had a few too many sangrias went over and cranked it fully clockwise.  I immediately turned  it down but I lost a midrange ......    anyway the repair is simple, the driver comes apart easy and I hope to have the new diaphram in a few days....
I owned Klipsch Lascala horns and Infinity Rennasaince  90's which are ribbon/cone hybrids. There is no comparison. The  Infinitys demand a high power/high current amp. The Klipsch were driven easily with a 2 watt ,45 ,tube amp. As for sound. The Infinitys dissapeared in the room, leaving a holographic image of the music in the room, that I never heard from any speakers that were affordable to me. I know their are better, don't flame me, but I am just a working joe. 2 grand is about as far as I can stretch for speakers, so I buy used. The Klipsch were tremendously dynamic, had that "jump" factor out the ying yang, made instruments sound "real",but did not throw the holographic image that I love and crave. It all depends on what you like The ribbon mids and highs of the Infinitys, combined with solid ,tight bass of their Watkins woofers, are what sounded best to my ears. You and others may disagree. 
Happy Listening,