As the other poster says, we know it’s tough to get a fix on what is what. In this case, you were listening to very different systems, so I would caution drawing inferences about the speakers.
In in my experience — and I should note that I haven’t heard the current generations — Wilsons play best in systems that prioritize transparency, macro dynamics, frequency extension, and phase accuracy. By contrast, Devores prioritize, IMHO, tonal differentiation and microdynamics (“aliveness”).
I own the O/93s, the little brother to the O/96s. The first time I heard them was with the Line Magnetic amplifier with the 805 output tubes. I found the sound to be attractively full, but lacking sparkle and ultimately a bit dull. The speakers perked up a lot when paired with the Leben amplifier I used to own. No fatigue at all, but lots of life and “flow”.
If possible, try the Devores with different amplification. Most owners will say that a significant reason they bought the Devores is because they consistently draw you into the music. If they still don’t work for you, then you have your answer — congratulations either way.