vandersteen m5-hp crossover setting

what should the setting be with  vandy 3 si and  and the wq subs and also the  2c using rogue 180 mono blocks
Go to the Vandersteen web site and find the frequencies page for the M5-HP. ignore the dip switch frequency selections on the sticker on the crossover boxes. The selections on the crossovers are for the 5a series vandersteen speakers which are crossed over at 100 hz. The 2Wq sub is to be crossed over at 80 hz, which are given on the frequencies page on the web site for the 2Wq sub. You have to find the input frequency of the Rogue mono blocks. Locate the closest frequency to that on the frequencies page. Engage the proper dip switches for the frequency of your amps input to achieve the 80 hz crossover point. Adjust the controls to proper level on back of sub and listen. Fine tune after that. 
Hope I didn't over complicate this or forget anything. I'm not a tech.
I looked at Rogue website and owners manual and no input impedence is specified
so I would advise NOT running it till you get those values from manufacture or a Rogue dealer who understands the Vandersteen sub. There are several in the country, Michigan and CA

or IF you have Vandertones and voltmeter you can test for 3db down per the years or so, never needed a sub..but I understand others may need / want

hope this has helped