If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
Ag insider logo xs@2xastewart8944
@shadorne Since you have so many Maceo Parker albums, please list your top 5 favorite albums you would recommend be in every funk collection. I appreciate it. And thanks for continuing to feed this thread with good stuff!
@chazro Keep it coming! You are helping make this thread a fun daily learning and listening experience.
@chazro I just received the CD "Like You Mean It" by The California Honeydrops. It is a cool record, that based on what others have recommended, I think many who have posted on this thread would enjoy. I recommend others check it out.
@aniwolfe Thanks for the Screaming Headless Torsos links. Those are two very different links! :-) JoJo Mayer knocking out the drumming--he is young in that video--fast sticks.
OK old funk dudes, my teen drummer asked me to post this video which features one of his favorite drummers (DW). If this ain't funk, nothing is.
Been a huge Dave Weckl fan for decades!  Here's another tune from the same record; Convergence.  A different style of Funk, it's up to the listener to decide which is 'funkier'!;)
