Are there any really good cd cleaners out there?

I was wondering if there are any really good cd cleaners on the market . Like maybe an ultra sonic cleaner? Right now i am just using a spray cd cleaner and a cloth. Thanks...
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
I just uncovered a stash of Liquid Res. Hurray! Also, I’ve heard conflicting reports about whether mold release compound is used in manufacturing CDs. Anyone know the real story? Maybe an old episode of How Things are Made. I also invested in Essence of Music a few years ago but I’ll be darned if I hear any change. Am I going deaf?
Check out The Absolute Sounds “Rave” reviews of Clean Disc and Ultrabit Platinum. Unanimously unreserved praise. 
@2channel8,,,,,, Still waiting for the La Art Du son to come in the mail.. I will give a report as soon as it comes and i use it.... Thanks
I have tried french product name OSH "AntiMis" and I had make a comparaison with same "non treated CD" and there is a better focus and holographic presentation.  Enjoy music