FR66s vs Ikeda IT-407 CR tonearms

Has anyone compared the FR66s to the newer Ikeda IT-407 CR1 tonearm? Any thoughts? In previous years, the Ikeda was available with either copper or silver internal wiring but the recent models don't mention anything about the tonearm wiring. Can anyone comment what type of wiring is used in the latest editions? It would seem intuitive that the later Ikeda IT407 should be a better performer than the FR66s having improved material and bearings over the FR66s but the proof is in the hearing.
nandric"If the Muslim fighters would believe you"

You are a brainwashed frightened and ignorant sot who doesn't know what he is talking about or anything about the "Muslim world" you have been lied to and cheated and fooled by the vast world conspiracy of war mongers and bomb builders.

clearthink, There must be something wrong with your name.

The ''if'' by hypothetical statements is obviously unknown to

you. Speaking about ''ignorance''. You are probably Muslim

with the name ''clearthink'' as alias.

You are probably Muslim"

You are an ignorant and hatefilled bigot, the ugliest kind of human ugly I am not a Muslim but I have many Muslim friends and you have allowed yourself to be brainwashed about Muslims.

Post removed 
@clearthink please stop infecting this thread with your propaganda when you have nothing on-topic to contribute