Spay for CD

Is anybody had experimnent some liquid to be spray on CD, to help having a better readings of CD ?
What are your appreciations about them ? 
What do you think the product make, to have a better audition experience ?
Thank you ?
A false belief that spraying something on a CD will somehow improve It. Nonsense! Keep them clean and scratch-free. Isopropanol is an effective cleaner for smudged and dirty CD's.

Digital data storage is not analog-like at all! It exists independent of the physical properties of the storage medium! This is the revolutionary change in music storage and retrieval! Analog- like fixes do not apply (sprays, green pens, trimming the edges,weighted pucks, demagnitizers ... ).
Audiophiles would be happier if CD players and transports were tweakable like turntables! Alas ...
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