Monitor Audio Made in China?

I just bought a Monitor Audio Silver RS-LCR and it says on the box "Made in China". I thought monitor Audio speakers are made in the UK.
What I understand several Manufactures have the cabinets built in china for peanuts, and simply Freight back to the states and assemble, many with U.S. made drivers etcÂ… But the speaker cabinet structure is completley done in china.. Same with component Chassis, and knobs, even transformers are built in China and just sent back to the states and then the designer assembles and puts in the "American Hi Fi Magic" Some of the biggest brands in the world we don't even know puts Built in the U.S. badge right on the unit, but 75% of the parts are from elsewhere. Even the auto industry does it as well, but to a higher degree of exposure obviously. We would probably be shocked at how much is formed and cast in china, along with the circuit boards put in the 10,000 dollar amps sold in the U.S. under huge hi end names.
i don't think the controversy is about where its built. if companies would be forthcoming about the realities of who 'really' designed the products and 'how and where' they were matter where 'there' is, most audiophiles would find it enlightening, if not the biggest news since they discovered there is no santa claus. sneaking audio manufacturing jobs out of the uk, canada,germany, and the u.s. is a hard reality....sneaking the products into homes on the bsis that these companies are the 'same' companies they used to be is in poor taste to say the least.

Do you really think that if AR, Wilson, and Krell manufactured in China that YOU would see any of the cost savings? HAHAHA.....

Albert VS already does it, and look at his pricing scheme.

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