Subwoofer help, using two amps...

Never used a subwoofer

Need help on whether this set up would work and, if so, the best subwoofer.

I have been demo-ing various amps and am impressed with ATMA m60’s, particularly on mids and highs(Tekton DIs 4 ohm) However, not content with bass response, even with zero’s

Because the Oppo has double paired outputs(RCA’s and balanced), I am toying with the idea of running balanced connects to the M60’s, then on to DI’s

… and

RCA cables from Oppo to a 200 wpc SS amp, with paired speaker cables to subwoofers(right and left subwoofers)

Would this work or would there be problems, like a phase issue?

If this is doable, what subwoofer is optimal for this set up/connections. Vandersteen or Rel? I’m guessing, among other things, some sort of high pass filter might be needed

Thanks in advance
I have done and read some on the subject manner.
The following link was the information I found to most helpful in obtaining a well balance, flat frequency that closely matched the SPL of the main speakers and minimized frequency cancellations and bloom.

The sound is omni directional and it sounds as though it is being broadcasted from the main speakers and correctly positioned in the overall sound stage

This may be helpful to you

I would call Ralph directly with your question. He would be the most qualified person.
FWIW, I have a pair of MA-1’s paired with MP-3.
My speakers are Vandersteen Treo’s and a pair of 2wq subs.
I installed the Vandy crossover between amp and pre. and run double runs from amp to speaker and sub.
The result is excellent sound, if I may so so.
Are your Tektons 4 or 8 ohm?

Because the Oppo has double paired outputs(RCA’s and balanced), I am toying with the idea of running balanced connects to the M60’s, then on to DI’s

… and

RCA cables from Oppo to a 200 wpc SS amp, with paired speaker cables to subwoofers (right and left subwoofers)

First, almost all subwoofers these days have built-in power amplifiers, so you won’t need the 200 wpc SS amp.

Second, I see in one of your other threads that the Oppo is apparently a UDP-205. Using its XLR and RCA outputs simultaneously will not hurt anything, but its manual does not provide enough information to conclusively determine if it would be sonically optimal, i.e., if connecting a sub to the RCA outputs would affect the signals received by the main power amps from the XLR outputs. My guess, though, is that in this particular case it wouldn’t be a problem.

So I suspect that most powered subs which accept RCA inputs would be suitable. And given that you are planning on a pair of subs it wouldn’t matter if each sub provided an RCA input for just one channel or for two channels. (Although if two input channels are provided it might be slightly beneficial from a sonic standpoint to insert an RCA shorting plug into the unused input jack; you can find inexpensive RCA shorting plugs at the well known auction site).

The Vandersteen 2wq, however, provides only speaker-level inputs, and therefore would have to be connected to the outputs of the amps. And I’ll mention also that in the absence of a clear indication from Vandersteen to the contrary I suspect that the use of just a single 2wq in conjunction with fully balanced amps such as the Atma-Spheres would be an absolute no-no. That is because without a clear indication from Vandersteen to the contrary it is very conceivable that the two negative input terminals of the 2wq may be connected together internally, with both being connected to the sub’s internal circuit ground. If so, and if just a single 2wq were used, the result would be a direct short (i.e. a direct connection) between the full-amplitude left and right channel signals that are present on the negative output terminals of fully balanced amps. Bob, take note!

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al