Is it really night and day

I just read that someone went from a ARC ref-5se to a Ref-6. They claim it is a night and day difference. For some reason I find that hard to believe. I can see there being a difference but night and day to me is an exaggeration. I'll tell you why I think this way. I had an ARC LS-25 for about 10 years and I always thought It was a good pre-amp. One day I got a bug up my ass and decided to upgrade to a LS-27. 

While I will agree the 27 is better than the 25 I would not say there is a night and day difference. Now that is a spread of about 10 years in a model. So of course you do expect some improvements and I have received those. 

Now going back to the Ref-5se. I think it has been around about 3 years. Now they have the Ref-6. So in 3 years there is a night and day difference between the 5Se and the 6 but after a 10 year period between the Ls-25 and the 27 there are a few minor differences. 

Never meant to say you had money to burn, obviously I would have no idea about that. But ARC introduces upgrades (SE versions) and new models more often than most manufacturers, and for the person that has to have the latest and greatest it will require constantly sending units back to them for upgrades, trading in or selling the soon to be eclipsed gear. Costly, and to stay on top of it you will not keep anything very long. I used to sell ARC, and I think it’s very good. But imo, not usually “night and day” improvements. YMMV
tlong1958........Never meant to say you had money to burn...... I know that was not meant for me. You just wrote that in general. And for me , yes i do plan to keep the 6 for a very long time if not forever. Also the Ref 40 and 10 are prob def better than the 6 but i have not interest in them as they are a 2 component set up and have no room for them ,so that is even not an option for me. Like i said TO ME it was a night and day difference between the 5se and 6 with MY ears and components. To each their own. Thats another reason why this hobby is so fun.. So many different opinions. debates , ect ect.. Its all good... The only thing that really matters is you and what you like.  
Also if you read what mofinadness  said in the 4th down from top. He is exactly right about the Ref 6. The Ref 6 is a whole new unit not even an upgrade from the 5se. Like he said ,,,,,,,,,The Ref 6 is a completely different preamp from the REF 5SE. New chassis , new circuit board, new circuit design, larger power transformer, 2 more tubes, etc.. Why couldnt it be a night and day difference in sound?
I have heard the Ref5SE on several auditions w/ ARC, Ayre and Bryston power amps. All combos were spot on. Can you speak to the effect of differences between the 5SE and 6?
Happy Listening!