Klipsch vs Infinity

Infinity Irs Gamma vs Klipschorns. Which would you choose and why. 

I owned Klipsch Lascala horns and Infinity Rennasaince  90's which are ribbon/cone hybrids.
Those Infinitys are great speakers. But although they are planars, they aren't ribbons.
I would not choose any of these speaker as i like depth and pinpoint imaging.Enjoy though!!
 I used to sell high end audio back in the late 70's and early 80's. It always seems to come down to preferences. There never seemed to be a perfect speaker for every one.I have heard Corner horns and they have always been impressive for dynamics and sound pressure levels. The most impressive sound I had heard back then were a pair of Infinity 4.5's biamped with a pair of Threshold Stasis 2 amplifiers playing Shadows in the rain by the Police . took my breath away on that first drum shot. The detail along with  that sweet top end was very impressive. Put a smile on everyone's face listening. I would have loved to do an A/B comparison. The one thing I knew was Infinity knew how to make bass. two very different approaches and both have their merits. tough choice. .
Diff in infinity and horn? Daylight and dark. Colorations??? Maybe minor certain area. Sound solid state? You are playing digital music. Vinyl vs digital. Again daylight and dark. Have you read reviews of the gamma and irs beta?  Agree problem with parts mainly the rectangular panel. 1k or so if you can find one. I have listened to Klipsh at dealer. A-b comparison   Infinity wins hands down. Digital music does sound brighter more forward with no instrument placement or sound stage. I play digital streaming. When I go back to analog have trouble going back to digital. Sound? No comparison. Parts ? Yes a problem. 
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